Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Photo of the Day - #01

A new thing I am going to start doing is uploading one photo every day. (A photo of the day!) These are all photos that I have taken. My philosophy is this. You must be able to master the art of still photography if you want to become a skilled cinematographer. The two forms are not completely the same as many people think. Each come with their own set of problems and hardship when presenting and idea. It is so much harder to tell a complete story in one frame. With a film you are able to combine images in many different ways to evoke certain emotions and give a person a window into another world. With a photo you have one shot (literally) to do this. I will be

I will be adding some information about the photos or a concept relating to the photo at times. These ideas or techniques are things that will apply to both film making and photography.

I thought I would start out with a self portrait.

"Self Portrait"

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