Saturday, July 12, 2008

Carrie Reviewed

Today I watched Carrie for the first time. I thought it was a really good film. Probably one of the better Stephen King adaptations.

Sissy Spacek played a really good Carrie. Her acting was believable and wrapped me into the story. From the first scene in the shower to the final scene at the prom I was completely engulfed.

There were some cool things about the way this film was shot. Many of the long takes were very interesting, my favorite being when they are on the dance floor and the camera is constantly spinning round the couple. Also the experimenting with focus was cool. Having characters in both the front and back in focus but having everything in the middle out. It gave the scenes a very different look. Story wise it put you right in the mindset of whats going on. It was a visual reference for emotions that otherwise cant be seen.

I would recommend this film to anyone who likes Stephen King and horror films. Its not packed full of gore or jumpy scary stuff however if there was I think that would have just ruined the film. The slow build up made this film so much more intense. The final scene at prom is pretty shocking and the horror really shines through.

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