I just watched "Before the Devil Knows Your Dead" and "Hancock"
Hancock - I must say I am very dissapointed in how new
blockbuster hits are going down drain and completely forgetting about story. I cant believe someone gave this film the green light. The only thing that is keeping viewers interested is the fact that there are so many speical effects. I think that is the worse way to keep a film interesting. Any script needs to have athe solid story before any production can be started. At one point the girl in the film becomes evil and fights Hancock. It came out of no where. She had dark eyeliner heals black cloths the works, looking like a Hollywood villan. However that only lasted maybe 10 minutes of the film. Then she was good again and everything wraps up nicely. Everyone I was with said that was such a waste of money. I can't believe people are giving this film a 5 star. The story jumps all over the place and starts bringing in gods and angels. I believe people are amazed by the special effects and forgetting what really holds a film together. A true disappointment. This film had so much potential to be a good action blockbuster summer hit.
Before the Devil Knows Your Dead
- THIS FILM IS A MUST SEE! I have not seen a film this good in a long time. I was really not expecting to see this kind of film. The power behind the story drew you in and slowly chipped away at you. It reminds me of Requiem for a Dream, in the way that all the characters slowly spiral downward into pain fear and evil. The writers for this film had a killer script. Don't go into this film expecting any big special effects or crazy action scenes because thats not what it is about. There was no need for anything of the sort. The actors played their parts very well and the ending is very depressing. Unlike Hancock this film does not have a happy ending that will make everyone go "awww" at the end of the movie. It ends like a Coen brothers film where things are left unresolved and leaves you to question what happens next. I was so happy they didnt wrap this film with a nice little bow because there are too many films that throw in a happy ending just to make audiences come away with a good feeling. Overall I would say this is the best film I have seen in a while and one you should rent.
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