Sunday, August 10, 2008

Master of Horror - Pelts Review

I don't know why they call this series the Master of Horror. There is nothing horrific about these films and the plots are so bad for the most part.

Pelts was one of the worse so far. How can you carry a film by raccoons who are not raccoons but smart animals who can make a person kill others and commit suicide if that person touches their pelt? Hmm Ancient temples being not explained, crazy ladys taking care of weird raccoons, person running through a building with his skin cut off after cutting it off himself...

Parts were gross. I'll give it that. There were some cool effects. I just dont get who would read this script and say "oh that sounds like it will be a really good film" Yeah there are some bloody scenes and stuff that hasnt been seen before but you can't carry a film on effects alone. There has got to be a story if your going to put this much effort into it and believe me its not easy making a film. There was a lot of thought going into making this but somehow people missed the lack of story...

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