Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen Review

Last night I got to go to an advanced screening of "Law Abiding Citizen." After I finished my friend and I sat watching the credits just thinking. She turned to me finally and had the same issue with the film that I did. The ending was terrible.

Synopsis: Gerard Butler plays a father who looses his daughter and wife in a brutal murder. He watches as the killer is only given 3 years in prison because he testifies against his partner. 10 years later Gerard Butler gets his own form of justice on those who let a killer off with a very small sentence.

This movie was wild up until the end. There are a few scenes that are horrifying. Watching Clyde chop up the killer in the most inhumane way possible, but there is a twist. You are with him the entire time. You want him to kill. I think this is a very hard thing to accomplish in film. It's done on Dexter amazingly and in this film you are right with Clyde from the beginning. You want him to get revenge on everyone that screwed him over. My issue is that towards the end of the film the writers flip it so that you are rooting for Jamie Foxx who's the evil one at the beginning. The reasoning is obvious, to show that justice will triumph and have the audience regain trust in the American system. I was so angry when I saw this flip happen. They demonize Clyde to the extreme at the end and he begins to kill innocent people that had nothing to do with the case. My friend and I both saw this as the downfall of a great story. There is much to be said about siding with the killer and approving of his actions. It's a topic I'm personally interested in and future films/research will be exploring it.

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