Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Room 2008

I am shooting a short film tonight called "The Room." This idea of having a single room where everything takes place intrigues me. I have done another film in this same fashion. You have room. Don't know any of the back story for either character. You discover things about both characters through this one interaction. At the end of the scene something is twisted and the audience is left with a question.

The first time I shot a film like this was back in highschool The film was not done very well. However, it was one of the first films I directed that wasn't on my parents Hi8 camcorder. Again this first film was called "The Room," but this one had a completely different storyline then the one I am about to shoot.

This version of "The Room" is a project for my german 101 class. We have to shoot a short where you speak german, and that was they only guideline. The story follows one person interigating another about money. The only issue is one person speaks english and the other speaks german. I plan to shoot in a more serious style yet break the stereotype and make it a comedy. It should be a fun film. I will put my highschool film "The Room" up on youtube to show where this film started.

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